Nature has always been our mentor on this planet, Combining Biophilic design strategy with self-directed education methodology to propose school without classrooms in Berlin. Nature, Water, Light, prospect, and Refuge are the 5 patterns reflected in our spatial experiences and spaces to facilitate more joyful, child-friendly, and effective educational process where they learn how to find answers to their questions on their own through engagement with nature. The stakeholders participated in the educational process include mentors to advise and training, experts for more knowledge and skills, elderly living around for the life experience, and refuges for community engagement in an activity of their interests. In addition, the design facilitates an invitation to have a micro- environment of local animals (e.g. Dogs, rabbits, cats, and birds) to play and learn about them more. The educational process is reflected in giving children the opportunity to learn within a context; for an instant, learning about ecology by having an underground zone where they can see trees routs, soil layers, and inner life, while they can learn about astronomy through a zone connected directly to the outdoor. Adjustable external skin gives children to experience different patterns of light and shadow each day; the skin can be adjusted according to weather conditions or the light needed in a certain zone. Moreover, the design considers all children physical background with an easy horizontal accessibility and vertical movement. The external maze jungle gives the children the wild experience with trees and birds, in addition, they can climb the walls and trees to the virtual reality/meditation cubes (virtual overseas travel).